(Storm Tracker)
Sun Dec 18 2005 06:37 PM
Moving back North after the Hurricanes diary

Dec.4 th..5:00 It started to snow. The first of the season & the wife & I took our hot buttered rum & sat by the window, watching the soft flakes drift down, clinging to the trees & covering the ground. It was beautiful.

Dec.9th..We woke to a big beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering the landscape. What a fantastic sight. Every tree and shrub covered with a beautiful white mantle. I shoveled snow for the first time in years, and I loved it. I did both our driveway & our sidewalk. Later, the snow plow came along & covered up our driveway with compacted snow from our street. He smiled & I waved back. I shoveled the driveway again

Dec.13th..The sun has melted most of our lovely snow. Oh well, I`m sure we`ll get a little more before this lovely winter is through.

Dec.14th..It snowed 8 inches last night & the temperature dropped to about 0. Shovelled the sidewalk & driveway agian, and the snowplow came by & did his same old trick again.

Dec.15th..Sold my BMW & bought a 4x4 Blazer, so we could get in the snow. Bought snow tires for my wifes car also.

Dec.18th..Fell on my ass on the ice in my driveway. $123.00 to the Chiropractor, but nothing was broken , thank god. Looks like the damn sky is getting darker again.

Dec.19th..Still cold, minus 5 this morning.Icy roads making for very tough driving.Slid into a gaurd rail with my wifes car. Probably $2,000 damage. She`s all pissed off.

Dec.20th..Had another 14 inches of the white crap last night. More shovelling in store for me today. That god damn snowplow came by twice.

Dec.22nd..We are assured of a white Christmas, because another 7 inches of that freakin white crap fell today and with the freezing weather , it won`t melt till August. I got all dressed up to go out & shovel that god damn crap again ( boots, jumpsuit, jacket, scarf, earmuffs, gloves, etc). The minute I got outside , I had to take a dump.

DEC.24th..If I catch the son of a bitch that drives the snowplow, I`ll drag him through the snow by his *****. I think he hides around the corner & waits for me to finish shovelling, & then comes down the street 100 miles per hour & throws that freakin white crap everywhere.

Dec25th.. Merry Christmas, They predict 12 more inches of the freakin whitecrap tonight, Does anyone in Florida know how many shovelfuls of snow 12 inches is. To hell with santa, he doesn`t have to shovel this white crap.The snow plow driver came asking for a donation. I hit him with my ice axe. The doctors think he`ll live.

Dec28th.. We got a 11 more inches of that white crap last night. I must be going snow blind or have a severe case of depression, because the wife is beginning to look good to me.

Dec29th.. The toilet froze & the roof is starting to cave in.

Dec.30th..I `ve had it. I just torched the house and my wife and I are heading back to Florida.

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