Here are some more records that were set today in east central Florida - and others that are likely to fall by the wayside tonight (courtesy of Melbourne NWS): .CLIMATE... RECORD LOWS DEC 15TH DAYTONA BEACH 29/1962 ORLANDO 33/1968 MELBOURNE 33/1968 VERO BEACH 35/1962 ALL CLIMATE LOCATIONS BROKE THEIR PREVIOUS RECORD LOW HIGHS THIS AFTERNOON. RECORD LOW HIGHS TODAY DEC 14... HIGH TODAY PREVIOUS RECORD DAYTONA BEACH 48 52/1962 ORLANDO 49 54/1962 MELBOURNE 52 55/1962 VERO BEACH 53 56/1962 Note that the low today in Key West was actually 50 and they only got up to 54 today. Temperatures in east central Florida are currently about two degrees colder than they were at the same time yesterday evening so more new records are likely by Wednesday morning. If this is global warming, I've had quite enough of it ED |