Hi all! Finally got internet back up and wanted to post an update! It was an amazing storm and very scary! My home is 19ft above sea level and I'm about 5 miles from the beach. Well the surge came into our neighborhood and started making it's way into our house. We are one of the lucky ones thought and had minimal water damage. One of the trees in my yard fell on the roof, my fence is gone on one side and another treee fell on the other side. After the storm we were without power for only 4 days (which seemed like a lifetime), water was off and on, and all phones were off and on. The evening of the hurricane once the water had subsided we wandered out of the house to go see River Rd which is the only way in or out of my subdivision! It was unreal. . . looked like an ocean that I could've surfed in! One of the homes on the corner was completely destroyed! The next day we went and drove to the beach, it is so sad! Many of my friends and my daughters classmates have lost everything! My best friend and her husband and 2 year old have lost everything and are living with us for the time being. For the most part of the last 2 weeks it has been amazing to see this community pulling together and helping eachother out. Usually the only people I have run into that aren't so understanding are the cops from out of state. I have heard many others from out of state (firefighters etc) that complain about having to be in this! Makes me mad because at least they can go back to thier home and a normal life! ANyway, sorry if this is a bit jumbled. I have a ton of pictures if you all want to see them! Here's the link, http://photobucket.com/albums/a397/kissy76/ I also have a short video of River Rd if anyone is interested in seeing it email me and let me know christengoff@cableone.net |