I forgot to post the link. There weren't any surprises...I had studied the evac zone maps pretty closely the past couple months. They don't go into how they separated the wave action from the surge level on the many outdoor high water marks. It would be interesting to know some of the wave heights. One word of warning...the maps also contain the future flood zone recommendations (at least the first pass, for rebuilding guidelines). Those are the yellow and red lines. The surge information is the area that is colored in 'aqua' (that would be basically the entire coast, haha), and the high water marks. This is map is very good for an overall view of the flooding: http://www.fema.gov/hazards/floods/recoverydata/pdf/ms_overview.pdf Here's the link to the actual maps, just click on the image of the county for the detail: http://www.fema.gov/hazards/floods/recoverydata/katrina_ms_index.shtm |