Itpat228...in a way...your post comes at aperfect time. Even though it is not storm specific. Many posters, viewers, and other individuals have sufferred a loss and have called FEMA for assistance. They may receive this call too. Also, it isan unfortunate truth that other may experience a disaster and need to call FEMA for some help to a future event .(Posters, viewers,and likewise)...So this is a good stopping point to familiarize folks with disaster resource links before the US becomes fully engaged in tropical activity (Dean or otherwise), that may be severe enough to require a Federal Disaster Declaration. For your information, here is the official FEMA website disclosing all of the reasons why FEMA is taking a proactive approach to notify individuals and infom them of their privacy rights (and insure rights are upheld) in light of a recent court decision. Link: http://www.fema.gov/individual/privacy/ In addition, I reccomend that all individuals become familiar with the FEMA Disaster Assistance Program, and it's guidelines...I believe that this knowledge will help you greatly in understanding any help you may/may not be eligible for after a disaster. Unfortunately, I think many individuals do not understand their level of eligibility, becuase they do not understand the program...And we all have a responsibility in that...From the individual citizen on up. I hope this helps post is informative... FEMA Website: www.fema.gov Indiviuals and Households Program Guidebook for "Help After a Disaster": http://www.fema.gov/pdf/assistance/process/help_after_disaster_english.pdf |