LI Phil
Mon Dec 29 2003 05:19 PM

Steve & Kevin:

Well, Fassel's GONE (good), Haslet could be, and Gruden SHOULD be (but won't). Hard to root for anyone in either the NFC or the AFC, but I'll go out on a limb and say Patriots versus St. Louie in the Super Bowl, though I could really care less. I HATE Parcells, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them advance at least one round. I like Fox, who used to coach for the G-Men, so I'll pull for Carolina. Can't root for Philly, Seattle and am so-so on the Pack. AFC: KC ain't winning jack, and the winner of the Titans/Ravens game could wind up in the title game. Indy can't win a playoff game, and the Broncos are too beat up. Maybe I should just start a post-season thread. In fact...

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