I suppose theres got to be something around that your looking for. What I found at a house hold sale might interest you. I found this way cool table that some one had made and I put it in my Florida room. The table is 5' by4' and 2' high. In the middle inlaid is a large Loran map of the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Tropical Atlantic covered by a 1/4 inch clear lucite sheet.Its built with nice heavy wood like it may have been on a boat at one time. Its perfect for storm plotting with markers that wash off. I`ve had it for twenty years. I`ve spent many hours looking down at that map during the summer months. To me its the most valuable piece of furniture in our house. My wife and daughter may beg to differ...........I don`t care, Its a classic and I think it would be very easy to build one if someone wanted to................Weatherchef |