I saw the very end of this show just now on National Geopgraphic and thought it looked interesting. It comes on again tonight... I think the times are EST, so if you're up at 2AM... you might enjoy this. We talked about glaciers in my class today and generally people in the south don't think glaciers matter to them... But, if you look at a map of what the coastlines of the US would look like if Greenland and Antarctica were to melt... you'd notice that two important states (Florida and Louisiana) and large portions of other coastal states also, would no longer exist. Something to think aboiut no matter what you think causes global temperature change... Thursday, July 14, 2005, at 7P Polar Risk Polar Risk [TV-G] This program asks the big question about global climate change, revealing the poles' part in a series of past climate changes. We will explore current changes taking place at the poles and learn about the serious consequences of human impact. Also airs: Friday, July 15, 2:00A |