Maybe I'm just getting jaded or something, but it's May 31st and we already have people talking like there's something big on the horizon. I originally came here a few years ago (but only registered a couple ago, I think) and was very impressed with the analysis and discourse here. To be honest, the vast majority of the discussions are way over my head (with respect to the wx side) but I always had a good time skimming the posts. And once in a while I'd see a name that I trusted that would boil down the previous long technical post into a few short sentences which was *way* cool. Generally the "heavies" on the board do the same thing too, which is very much appreciated. Okay, so what's my B*tch? Even I, an admitted wx idiot (but an afficionado) know that not every system or *potential* system is going to be a big deal. I've personally learned the names to trust and the ones to take with a grain of salt, but I'd imagine it'd be a daunting task for a newb to get on here and learn not to panic when someone throws out a prediction with nothing to back it up. Sorry guys, I'm venting a little but it's a bit early in the season for doom and gloom. Well reasoned opinions are one thing, but gut feelings and storm-wishing need to go in the Tarot forum. That said, I *DO* hope West-Central Florida gets a dousing this weekend, but I'm not going to take the seals off my bomb shelter or safe room. I also pledge to donate to CFCH again this year if we get rain this weekend. ;-) Cheers! |