its possible its heading is a bit to the left. not due west wnw but i have to see a bit more if she is getting strong jogs could happen. Espessially when down around hati those mountains are so high sometime systems will go right around them. Fay for example seemed to just pin wheel all around them and cuba till she found a flatt spot. Plus We cant rule out the fact some models are forcasting a west turn soon so that the first thing to look for if no west turn start looking at models that didnt forcast it. I like the NHC track right now so im not going to budge unles some real consolidation of the models happen, or its just obvious one has a better handle then the rest. It is interesting how 95L and the remenents of Fay are going to play into this. Im Waiting for fay to move i belive that fay and gustave should create a weakness in the ridge over florida and gustav should head are way short term. After that there are 2 scenarios that a anticlyclone over florida pushes gustav west as fay gets pulled out of the picture, and 95L follows. or the anticyclone is not as strong as thought evrything gets pulled out, Fay,gustav, 95l goes northwest and then out. then maby breather for a few days till something else pops. |