scary words..any normal storm, that's what makes her a concern however she has been dancing with this ULL since she was an invest, it always inhibited her and imagine she has found a way to work around it or with it.. a local tv weather person in miami pointed out that when storms loop like this down there they often sling shot fast north once they move so.. keep watching http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/goes/flt/t2/sloop-wv.html don't see how she gets west enough for South Florida to feel much though... Carolinas and north should worry I mean how long can she hang down there.. unless Ike is the item that blows the ULL off the map and then... well, that would be some scenario i suppose this loop from ortt really shows it all well http://metofis.rsmas.miami.edu/~dortt/satellite/Bermuda/WV/atl_wv1_loop.gif amazingly |