All in Florida need to be on the watch for this one....it is giving me a sinking feeling (don't know how to quantify that....a tropical depression). this is one case where I hope the models are NOT as accurate as they were with Gustav. They pegged him hitting central Gulf Coast quite a distance out. As a side note, has anyone noticed the new satellite enhancements that the NHC has included on it's satellite page. We now get Funktop, RGB, rainbow....just a couple of things they never had on that page before. nice of them. OH and that 1926 comparison is scary. My dad always recounted he stories HIS dad told of that hurricane (I am 3rd gen floridian) and how he was part of gangs of men who had to bury the drowned out in what they call "the Glades' around Lake Okeechobee......That whole plot map looks eerily like many of this year's storms. One going across the south end from southeast like Fay, one into Louisiana, couple curling to the east and one that looks suspiciously like what Ike is projected to do. OK...time to test the generator!! Buckle up everyone.....going to be an interesting weekend....and I am NOT talking about football! |