(Weather Watcher)
Mon Aug 20 2012 10:51 PM
Re: Invest 94L Forecast Lounge

I'm confused about something. Someone in another forum posted the current GFS ensemble. It seems to lean toward a Myrtle Beach/Wilmington landfall while the GFS is still pointing to Florida. Am I just missing something here? Doesn't it seem like the two should be in line with each other?

Anyway, either scenario points towards a strengthening of the storm before it hits land in the US. (Yes, I'm a fan of the GFS. It just seems to have a better handle on these things.) Based on that and the overall computer model outlook, people in the Southeast need to have their eye on this one. I'm not seeing major hurricane as yet in the overall outlook, but it could really cause some problems for people in these areas. Fortunately, I think that few in these areas overlook the potential that these storms could cause based on the recent history. Now is the time to start making preparations with regards to storm necessities, not at the last minute like most will. Not wishcasting, just trying to make the case that everyone needs to keep an eye on this one.

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