Tue Aug 23 2005 08:08 PM
Hurricane Andrew Anniversary

13 years ago, tonight, I remember going to sleep to, at that time, a virtual unknown. With all the windows tightly covered, the house was dark and bleak. An ominous tension was most certainly noticeable as my parents tucked me into bed.

I was woken up early the next morning by what is still perhaps the most awesome and frightening experience of my young life.

Andrew made landfall at approximately 5:00 am on August 24, tomorrow. As you all know, it was the costliest hurricane in recorded history. So this week carries a duality for me… we shall be remembering one storm, and preparing for another, albeit one infinitely non comparable to the absolute horror experienced both during and after Andrew. I will write up a few paragraphs depicting my experience when I have time tomorrow.

EDIT: Mods, you can just change the image to a url if need be. I wanted the image for dramatic purposes, but do whatever you need to.

link to Hurricane Andrew, visible satellite over the Bahamas, on August 23, 1992 at 1231Z.~danielw

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When in doubt, take the word of the National Hurricane Center