Gang...Couple comments from the peanut gallery here... 1.) Computer models, specifically GFS seem to be firing up lots of interesting nothings in my opinion, but missing some other possible somethings. 2.) Alberto's remanant trough is acting like an old front across the gulf...Has anyone looked at what's moving into the BoC this evening on the tail end of the remanat trough! Interesting...Looks to me like a new surface low is spinning up at the end of it. Huh.... 3.) Before Sunset, it looked like the central carrib wave was trying to spin something up again...then...it collapsed. Is there a presence of a mid level low at the very least to the south of Hispanola? 4.) Very much agree, lots of active waves for this time of year in the Altantic. Eventually things are gonna get favorable out there and we're gonna be looking at a lot of things. 5.) There seem to be more posts here...just wondering if this forum might be making it over to the front page. I don't know if out less expereinced visitors are seeing this forum on the right hand menu...but with that said...Many continued Kudoe to the Mods, Mets, and administrators of this website during Alberto. You kept the site up and running, factual, and in check. Awesome! |