It has a large pocket that can be seen on visible imagery but becomes invisible on the water vapor. Big. Possibly by staying so weak it has a chance to get further across the ocean than it had otherwise. It can be viewed at NRL still. The banding structure is still visible on this long link: [url=http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tc-bin/tc_home2.cgi?ACTIVES=08-WPAC-001.TCS001]http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/tc- bin/tc_home2.cgi?ACTIVES=08-WPAC-001.TCS001[/url],08-ATL-04L.DOLLY,08-EPAC-08E.GENEVIEVE,08-WPAC- 09W.NONAME,08-ATL-97L.INVEST&SIZE=Thumb&PHOT=yes&NAV=tc&YR=08&ATCF_BASIN=al&ATCF_YR=1& YEAR=2008&ATCF_FILE=1/&CURRENT=20080724.2215.goes12.x.ir1km_bw.97LINVEST.20kts-1010mb-154N- 352W.95pc.jpg&AGE=Latest&ATCF_NAME=al971&ATCF_DIR=1&ARCHIVE=active&MO=JUL&BASIN= ATL&STORM_NAME=97L.INVEST&STYLE=tables&AREA=pacific/southern_hemisphere&AID_DIR=/ data/www/atlantic/tropics/microvap/dmsp&DIR=/TC/tc08/ATL/97L.INVEST/windsat/rain/2degreeticks&TYPE=windsat& PROD=rain&SUB_PROD=2degreeticks I don't know how to make these smaller (sorry) but go to rain and the green button where it says 2 ticks. For the people here not familiar with the NRL site.. play around with it and you can see xrays sort of the wave.! Perhaps if it starts to show some more convection .. a wait and see sort of thing. |