Thats Interesting? I mean if i wanted information i would go to the proper athourity's not you guys, i come here for more in depth talk about things that are not easily forcasted and things that are out of the box. If i cant do that then there is no reason for me to come here. I think i will check the other links then so i can found what im looking for. I understand that people get scared buy bullish hype. but the invests converstion is what i come here for if you dont want hype about invests then why even bother talking about them?
We're here for that, the NHC is king always, and I have that at the bottom of the page. We aren't here to spread misinformation, that's the big difference. A few places that are more lax are places like Hard core weather or Storm2k but the down side to that format is it gets too confusing when things are really happening. Different sites, different focus. However I'm more lenient than Ed, for example. I am trying to keep posts on the front page a little more open this year, however I think we are still a little trigger happy from 2005. So we'll change it again.
(Just clearing up a little erroneous info.)