Here is a response to a posting on another weather forum of which I'm a member.......keep in mind this guy is from Brazil I believe and his English isn't that good. He has also included some links. Be cautious...I haven't had time to check out the links yet. Here is his posting: Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 5:39 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first sorry about my english!! I´m from Curitiba-Brasil. I would like to say for you, that the "Catarina' (how they called de harricane) was a shame thing that happened in Brasil, not about the nature, but about our governament. They Knew about this and don´t want to tell te population. (sorry about my prepositions - grammar) At the day 25 and 26 of march they told that the winds could be at 50 km/hr. And just on the saturday they knew and told that was 150 km/hr. Who is nasa, or some organization expirience in this things to know more then brasilians??!!!///? I lost a friend, he was a fishing man, with a big boat, it was 6 people there. In his boat "Valio 2" 2 people died. 3 were save e he is lost. They were in a long distance and when the organization responsable telled then about the catarina and the winds, they tried to get in the coast as soon as possible, but they can not get. the eye get them. the 2 of died on was scare and hid in the boat and the other one when was jumping in the water got "prendeu-se" in the boat. 3 were safe and my friend is lost, because the inrresponsability of the brasilian governament. Now, he probably died, lost in the atlantic ocean. The scanning of the brasilian marine "navy" for the lost people in the ocean was so good that our weathers organization!!!!! this is just a part of the history, there to much [stuff] about the situation And the news said diferent informations. if you guys want to know more information there is some sites: www.defesacivil.rs.gov.br www.com5dn.mar.mil.br-----------go in salvamar www.globo.com -------write ciclone or furacao catarina www.epoca.com.br www.clicrbs.com.br www.guianews.com.br www.estadao.com.br to search use the words: furacao or ciclone catarina i am a week searching in the internet all kind of information about. i telled the case just because we are human, i do not care if you are american ou japonese, we are human. and the catarina did not kill nobody, who killed was the governament. more informations write me. e-mail: pedronatale@yahoo.com.br If you guys did not like what i wrote sorry, but this is the reality, and the brasil politic about weather storms. take care if you are in brasil. ************************************************************************** Interesting to hear some testimony without political or media influence. Another note: The Hurricane Conference is in Orlando this year. My schedule has not allowed me to attend but I have friends that have. If there is anything that is worth sharing I will certainly share. Until then.... "Watch the sky...it tells more of a story than you think..." "Follow the clouds...." Rick |