for anybody interested in out-of-season research... found some TC summaries by a guy named gary padgett, and he makes mention of lots of systems that didn't quite receive an official record or get advisories... some of these systems in question you may remember. cross checked them with sat shots at the ncdc archives, even found a few that didn't pique my memory. if you want to see some stuff the nhc didnt track but may have been worth record, take a look at www.typhoon2000.ph/archives.htm#gp and http://cdo.ncdc.noaa.gov/GOESBrowser/goesbrowser notable systems include: 3/31-4/3/1998, central atlantic hybrid 10/21-24/1998, bay of campeche gale center (similar to larry) 9/13-17/1999, central atlantic, tropical low/unnamed storm 11/29-12/2/1999, convective gale center near azores 8/4-11/2000, midget subtrop cyclone that became td 4 8/11-14/2000, tropical low/unnamed storm off mid atlantic 8/28-31/2000, unnamed subtropical storm (HPC classified) that moved into NC 9/30-10/4/2000, hybrid low off east coast 4/25-28/2001, central atlantic hybrid 9/4-10/2001, central/NW atlantic hybrid 9/4-5/2002, powerful hybrid in canadian maritimes 10/9-12/2003, hybrid/possible subtrop off mid atlantic 10/14-19/2003, hybrid/possible subtrop in central atl 10/30-11/5/2003, post-nicholas to gulf coast poss. subtrop 12/26-27/2003, eastern atlantic gale ctr there is another system from further back, at the beginning of october 1994 in the gulf that merits a look. nhc is reluctant to name questionable systems quite often, as named systems tend to cause immediate economic impacts, whether they come to fruition or not. in none of these cases did a significant rogue storm arise, supporting the nhc policy of not classifying questionable systems. several of these systems occured while a major event was ongoing elsewhere in the tropics and may have received less attention as a result. however, a number of these systems may well have appeared on the official record in post-analysis without creating much of a stir. as the noaa has an ongoing revision and reanalysis project with its hurdat record, i can only wonder if that may still happen. HF 0458z27april |