The Monthly Worldwide Tropical Cyclone Summaries prepared by Gary Padgett are just one of many items that are available from the Tropical List Server maintained by Chris Novy at the University of Illinois. The List Server also provides up-to-date distribution of Storm Bulletins, Advisories, Marine Forecasts, Discussions, RECON Reports, etc., and you can subscribe to this free service: To subscribe to WX-ATLAN send e-mail to LISTSERV@UIUC.EDU and include the following message: sub wx-atlan YourFirstName YourLastName The List Server will respond with additional information on how you can tailor your message traffic to receive only the information that you are interested in, however, the List Server cannot tailor information just to a specific storm, so your email traffic could increase significantly if three or four storms are active at the same time. ED |