First off.. may I personally thank Steve for that beautiful site, always had that really nice wide view image of the Alantic and now it even moves. Great site.. colorful, I like it. Thanks. http://gfx.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/satell...ges=1&clf=1 Second of all... as for El Nino... and having his own site.. Why stop there? Why don't we give him his on TV Show.. maybe on TWC.. you know people are getting tired of those storm reruns. Maybe a bunch of El Nino stories.. like the day the earth stood still in California from too much rain and other ways it affects our weather. Personally I don't think Ed needs to comparmentalize every aspect of hurricane forecasting. Next think you know MJO would want his own time slot. Bastard would call in with an offer to do the tilting negative dragon thing and I might want to expound on dust. STorms like people are made of up many parts and aspects. Don't think we should break everything down to one aspect anymore than we should break people down into one part of their body or one part of their personality. No.. we are a composite of everything.. so are storms. And, right now.. if y'all hadn't noticed there aren't a lot of storms and unless we take off and all go fishing we may as well relax a bit and talk in general on the tropics. Today I'll take the Gulf for maybe 25% chance of development. Sorry if I don't pick up a lot of your references. I'm sort of old school and people need to just get in my face up close and spell things out for me or I miss them. You're funny Steve.. keep laughing. Phil.. breathe... Bobbi great site.. so much easier to see the deep color against that pretty greenish background oh and By The Way.. giving up on the Carib. I may cut it off my charts completely so I don't even bother to look. |