(Storm Tracker)
Mon Aug 09 2004 12:57 PM
Re: LLC ~ 22.9 and 87.9 exTD2

<this means that it is still transitioning and is pretty weak.>

I think were looking for this to renamed TD2, not Hurricane Bonnie this afternoon. Most TD's are pretty weak, and are in a transforming stage of their development. The circ is becoming enclosed with convection and moving NW away from land into very warm waters. It's doing OK by my standards......

93L, if it continues to get it's act together, will move north to some degree as well; again away from land and into warm waters. The models are cranking this boy up as well, but it's got to fight it's way through the graveyard first. While overall a stronger system at the moment next to 91L-XTD2, does it have what it takes to survive the nasty trip it's about to make??

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