Lonny, The US model suite (AVN/GFS) had been calling for development and recurvature. It remains to be seen if that's the case as the GFS has been doing that with waves all year (too early on development = too early on recurvature). I think I screwed up in my other post about the intensity with the corresponding landfall effects. So just adjust that post with the following: TD = 1, TS = 2, Cat 1 = 4, Cat 2 = 8, Cat 3 = 16, Cat 4 = 32, Cat 5 = 64. A Cat 2 can be anywhere between an 8 and a 15.999999x depending on its pressure relating to the highs and lows of each category. So technically Texas would be between Cat 1 and Cat 2 still rather than TS and Cat 1. /my bad Steve |