Coop, we get a Cat 5 in Biloxi and I'll be able to ride that surfboard right out of my garage as it will get about 5 feet of water in it right off the GOM (Camille put 22 feet where I live on the beach, and 25+ just to the east of the eye in Bay St. Louis MS (with her 190 sustained winds).... not counting on that to happen with Frances, or at least certainly not hoping, but as everyone else I'm going to monitor this thing and make plans as necessary.... still could go NORTH as some models want to take it....... however, I did start restocking extra supplies today, this time of the year you need to be prepared.... if not Frances, then something later.... I am not going to fight the masses and lines.... hey, the GOM is hot as hell and anything gets cranking could make for another major player down the road..... what a event next week will bring with this storm... if things continue to go as forecasted..... we'll see |