AVN forecasting Frances to take a Floyd path and on Monday has it hitting NC as a strong Cat III; also brings 97L to Ivan by then (this scenario brings minimal hurricane winds to my area on Sunday)
that plus the Herbert Box factor..... brace miami, brace CMC forecasts Cat IV landfall at West Palm Beach
GFDL forecasts a Floyd turn, bringing 50-60 mhp winds to my area on Saturday, and Landfalling Sunday in South Carolina at 110-115 mph
JMA forecasts Cat IV landfall for Miami on Sunday still forecasts something to break off to the east of Frances and form
UKMET forecasts direct hit on Cape Canaveral as Cat IV on Saturday (the last time that happened was 1926)
of these, 2 turn it north, 2 take it into south Florida, and one takes it over me
as Ive said with other storms, the AVN and GFDL seem to be the most accurate, so I am going to have to keep my turn to the north forecast