Frances has been moving north of west, and that's what she was forecast to do. From 11am Saturday to 11am today she's moved 3.7 degrees north and 17.9 degrees west. Last night I looked at the projected path and eyeballed what I though the coordinates for the 8am advisory would be. I estimated them to be 21.4n and 67.8w. This morning at 8am I checked those coordinates and they were officially 21.4n and 69.1w. I still think this storm is moving faster west than some had forecasted it to do, and I personally believe it will continue to do so. Obviously it's going to take some jogs to the north, but I just don't see a drastic turn to the NW taking place. There are some interesting weather features out there now(i.e. trof, high pressure ridge), but I still see the ridge guiding Frances in a general westerly direction and for that motion to continue for quite some time. |