This GFS run is much farther east at extended time periods (error magnification?), that I think the next run is farther west. I just can't buy this storm making landfall near ILM, then passing just east of A.C. NJ. If that's the case, I'll see weather almost as bad as northern Fla. Obviously, no one knows how the trough in New Eng. is going to play out, but as someone who hates cold weather, it seems like it has been here since 10-02 with only brief reprieves. Seems like I was defending the GFS's earlier solution, and now I am criticizing the very next run. Gotta love models. Man, I look at the stretch on the sat pic, and think it wants to turn towards the NW. And as for stalling, and then its next move, the next time that gets forecast accurately, might well be the first time. |