As if dealing with the whens/where/ifs/buts/ands/ors of these last 3 storms wasn't enough to make me a little "tense", this just happened. I was sitting here typing that last post and I kept hearing this "thump bump" noise coming from the garage. I have a golden retreiver who loves the garage, so I figured it was her thumping her tail. I went to open the door to the garage and as I opened it, I came face to face with the biggest doggone frog I've ever seen in my life! It must have been a value-meal size bullfrog. I was so scared (I hate frogs) that I couldn't even move. Then he jumped towards me, I jumped back and smacked my head on the side of the door, nearly knocking myself unconscious in the process. I slammed the door shut and locked it (like the frog could open the door or something) and made a beeline to the lanai to get a broom that I had used to sweep the pool area. Well, guess what? There were TWO MORE FROGS out THERE! Not nearly as big, though. I got so mad that I took the broom and knocked the living warts outta them. This, of course, is not directly related to Ivan, but I do believe that these .... things...are seeking higher ground either because of Frances or the flooding we've had or maybe they're evacuating because of Ivan. I've never seen a frog that big EVER! The other night it was a big black snake slithering out of the garage. Ugh. Dr. Steve Lyons just did a great segment on TWC. He showed how that even if the storm just stays off the coast, it will still have a huge impact. I also noticed that if Ivan does skirt close to the coastline, Tampa Bay juts out to the west more than any other area in Florida. I just heard that thump again. |