Posted this on the last thread, so a repost here: Mike...you're not allowed to have a life . You can't leave the site for a second. One good thing about the site going down was that I was able to check out a whole bunch of other stuff, read up on all the models, etc. Steve, have you seen the canadian? It's the westerly outlier of course, but it also puts you in the bullseye. The models have all shifted westward, so now it looks as though JK, co-mod Coop & Andy1Tom might need to think about heading to GA. Accuweather has a strange cone, the easternmost part of it has little old moi as an end target. Let's stay away from that one, shall we? CAT V and still strengthening? Good lord, Grand Cayman had better have all their planes in the air NOW with residents aboard. Hope the cruise ships bolted town... Anyhoo...glad the site is back up. I was worried I'd have to watch two russian women smack a little yellow sphere around all night... Peace, and pray for Grand Cayman! |