The GFDL, UKMET, and GFS were run at 8am this morning. The BAMM was run at 2pm this afternoon.The NOGAPS is from 8pm last night and it has consistently been west. Thats not that old.for any of them except maybe the NOGAPS. i believe Jason has said he feels it is coming up to his area basically. I hope he's wrong because I have family there but i sure don't want to see this hit anyone. Quote:
One thing to remember as you look at 12z model data. DON'T. The models initialized with a WNW motion, but he made the turn to the NW or NNW about the time of the runs, so the models are all a bit (or a lot) too far west right now. -------------------- Jason Kelley Chief Meteorologist WJHG-TV, Panama City Beach, FL
I'm not disagreeing with the landfall, I'm merely saying that the models on weather underground are inaccurate since they were run with the wrong initial motion. I understand your worry, I have family in Mobile so I'm a bit worried as well, but I'm just waiting for the 5pm update to see their take on it.