I think it should be renamed if it desreves storm status just because of the ramifications of using "Ivan" now one of the classic modern storms. Besides what went over Florida was hardly a storm and not even a TD level if it was a closed low which I doubt as stated earlier. I guess if the NHC can somehow track the original vortex from landfall to the Florida East coast yesterday, then perhaps it could be Ivan the Resusciitated... but a new name would be my recommendation if that comes to pass.
Also Can Lisa survive???Right now it looks ragged...being slapped around by big brother Karl and seems to be nearly out run by the large system behind it...they can't be more that 250-300 miles apart and it looks as if the gap is closing?
Doug, I agree with you on both points. "IF" something should become of the circulation off Naples it should not be named Ivan.
Also, I think Lisa is going to have a hard time keeping it together. We shall see.