Anyone can get the oz model runs. First couple are in. GFS has Jeanne moving thru the northern bahamas then just about where Frances made landfall, she turns NW along the coast. So there are like multiple landfall points....just to note though, the GFS has little movement over the first 24 hrs or movement w rightaway near 26N,, and its already around 25.5, so if you add that into the model it makes landfall near wpb and heads inland towards Lake Okech,,,and up the state. Nogaps is simular to its 12z run taking it thru the bahamas and making landfall at wpb,,hmhmhm it takes it along 25.5N-26N then a wnw movement while nearing the florida coast, then to Sarasota exiting into the gulf then moving NW towards the Panhandle. CMC takes Jeanne just north of the bahamas and into Cocoa Beach and turns it NW just inland moving up the state. Note on this though it quickly moves Jeanne about 280-290dg after 8am this morning, I doubt that until Friday afternoon. So I think its just a tad too far north but its possible. |