Redbird - your suggestion of a portable mini-fridge is a good one, especially, as you said, for families who need to keep milk cold for their children. Here's a low-tech solution to consider as well: milk (even chocolate or soy-based) is now available as individual-serving boxed drinks (much like those juicy juice boxes). It doesn't have to be refrigerated until it's opened and would usually be finished at one meal, it doesn't need to be mixed with water like dry milk, it's convenient for storage with your hurricane supplies. If you prefer it chilled, you can even throw some boxes in the freezer while you've still got power and let them freeze into small ice blocks. When I was a kid, the milk we got with our school lunches was often (accidently) frozen solid - tasted fine once it thawed. In fact, for Frances I made up my own individual servings of orange juice and soy milk and put them in the freezer instead of buying ice. Worked great at keeping things cool, at least for the shorter outage we had that time around. |