Accuweather says highest gust here in Port St. Lucie has been 42mph. Rain starting to collect in the swales that are allready wet from big rains earlier in week. It is an eery feeling Knowing you are with each hours closer to the landfalling eye of Jeanne. Local conditions could be gusting to 155 on the north side of eyewall as it moves onshore or so the local tv People are saying. Who knows, we will know in a few hours. Hard to imagine what this area that was hardest hit by Frances will look like tomorrow. People just seem resigned to just see what happens. NOT COMPLACENT just a feeling of what can you do. I will post more later until loose power or things get so bad I cant rig with the Inverter and battery rig I tested with this computer. Good luck to all in path---it is a big path indeed Hurric