It's unbelieveable that folks in fragile zones would stay after seeing what Frances did and seeing the pictures from P-cola and Hati. I believe it was Harlon Ellison who said "The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and Stupidity." Too bad we can't run cars on the latter.
It's funny that those of you who haven't been through them are the ones criticizing those who have and who now refuse to leave. I was in Arcadia for Charley losing trees, roof, and stepping out into an alien world after it passed. I was in Bradenton for Frances without power for a week, and I fled to Tennessee for Ivan where 4 trees fell right outside the house from the high winds (go figure). My parents' home on Abaco was destroyed, and has just been struck again. I am SICK to death of running from them. My child has missed more school than he can afford. I'm completely out of money from spending thousands more than my normal budget on damage repairs, evacuations, etc.
Charley was a Cat 4 when he passed over my head in Arcadia and it was a complete and total nightmare. So I ran from them after that. But you know what? I'm sick to death of running and can't afford to do it anymore. I am staying right where I am, house boarded up, generator ready, fresh water in good supply. I'm going to pray. And if God wishes to spare me he will do so. If not, then it was meant to be. And I've never been overly religious, but at this point down here we have little left but that.
So before you point fingers at the decisions made by people who have now been through three "nasties", try to consider that they might have litttle choice at this point.
>> Hurricane Magnet <<
Bev - I hope that you have lost your magnetic charge. This season has required people to make very difficult decisions. My heart goes out to all who have been impacted and you'll stay in my prayers. Please be sure to stop back after the storm and check in.