Quote: Not a meterologist nor do I play one on tv, but I do live on Chickasaw and Curry Ford road in Orlando. We still have electricity and are not even having flickers or brownouts yet. Barometer 30.3, temp. 76F, some light rain earlier but none now, some wind gusts I'm estimating at about 20-25 mph, Cable tv and cable internet still working. My measurements may not be accurate as my barometer is just one of those household kind you can get at Lowes or Walmart as a Christmas present. Things are realtively calm right now with occassional wind gusts. My husband and I are teachers and he helped at a shelter for Frances. The shelter was at Liberty Middle School where he teaches on Chicksaw near CurryFord. That shelter is not open this time as there aren't as many people evacuating to Orlando as during Frances. Bev |