Quote:Upgraded to what? I kinda thought you'd see a bit of rain, but just 'blustery' winds. It isn't a TS is it? Anyhow, got power back today, moving my stuff back from my evac location. This will take a half dozen more trips but my boss needs his garage back <grin>. One side effect of the moving....I tossed the one and only belt that fits me into *something* just before I tossed the last load into the car for the move to my shelter. Damm if I could find my belt today as I got ready to dress so I could go teach my students. I found a piece of extension cord and was going to wear that to class, when I finally found the location....somehow, the belt ended up in the CAT LITTER container...the fresh stuff, but I use the empty cat litter pails for storing things I want to be protected, leakproof, etc., and they are plentiful around my house. I figure that I must have opened the lid of the *real* cat litter container without looking, thinking it the one I was using for my 'need-em-a-hurry' personal effects and dropped iin my belt. Can you see me standing in front of my computer class trying to teach a class of computer wanna-be geeks, trying to explain why I was using an extension cord to hold my pants up??? My students see me as a non-conformist already, They'd probably believe me no matter what I told them, EXCEPT that I lost my belt in a cat-litter box. Phil, I hope you are more organized than I am and that you will not be inconveniencec too badly by Jeanne. Good luck! |