Quote: ...and there was much rejoicing (hooray!) Hurricane season is much better looked at from a distance. Just got the phone/DSL line back today. We were without power for only 26 hours, we must be on a main line for sewer or water for Saint Lucie West. My mom in Vero has a transformer sitting in her backyard, and it's not a lovely lawn decoration. She's still out of power. Of the refugees at our house, our friends from Fort Pierce who left thier Mobile Home lost their home, they will be staying with us while they wade through FEMA. The grandparents from Vero incurred no further damage, but they are still without power, so are staying with us. The relatives from around the corner fared well and have returned home. 1/2 of Saint Lucie County public schools are severley damaged, they have been out since Sept 2, no idea when or HOW they will open again. The private school my daughter attends suffered no significant damage and will open again when the power is restored. That's about as quick an update as I can get in, lots to catch up on. Hope it's not a lot of repeating information. |