there's actually a good burst of convection near the core of that south atlantic feature this morning.. but the cold air stratocumulus along the occuluded front remnant from its earlier life are still arcing into one of it's quadrants. it's secluded, but maybe not secluded enough. forecast here for the rest of the week sucks. i very much doubt that the system forecast to trudge through the southeast and over the gulfstream will try to look overtly hybrid... the forecast highs here thursday/friday are in the 60s from wedging. it's been cool all spring, so nothing new. run-to-run the gfs keeps taking that caribbean feature for next week/the following week further east. it's still far out... consistent in runs, but sketchy in terms of details. still more than you'd expect in early may, but the 'probably nothing' factor is high on this one. HF 1431z04may |