Jeffie, HF has his own way of doing things...and in some ways i think his ways are better than NHC...however, we play by their rules here...if adrian forms in the epac, crosses ca, and "reforms" as a ts in the atl., it WILL be called Arlene and it WILL count as our first named storm...that's how the NHC does things...personally i agree that those rare storms which jump basins shouldn't even be counted when they reach the other side...i also disagreed vehemently last year with the NHC KEEPING ivan as ivan (yes, it was still the same 'system') but in my mind it clearly should have been given a different name...especially after the death and destruction the original Ivan caused... but facts are facts...adrian would become arlene and each basin would have it's first named storm if everything we've deen discussing comes to fruition... |