ftlaudbob has been continually predicting a more northerly track into south FL. While no one certainly would like to see this storm in their backyard, Bob's scenario might actually be a course of least regret. A further west track, ultimately striking the northern Gulf coast from Pensacola to New Orleans would be potentially devastating wherever it makes landfall (especially New Orleans). A slightly more northwest track, scraping along the FL west coast could be potentially devastating for the Tampa area. This more northward prediction of Bob's would track the center of Dennis right along the full length of the Cuban mountains before emerging over the FL Straits. A South FL landfall would be from a FAR weaker storm than any of the other scenarios described above. Those mountains would tear Dennis apart....I think he might even emerge over the Straits below hurricane strength. Don't think my post here is jumping on the SE FL bandwagon,....all I am saying is that SHOULD this be the ultimate track, it might be the least destructive. Anyone else have any thoughts? --Lou |