Sorry I am at the in-laws, but I wanted to post and say that I am leaning more and more towards a Florida landfall, but I'm not ready to rule anything east of Grand Isle. I feel so bad for you guys over there in Florida, especially seeing the way Dennis is bombing out. It's hard to believe that such an amzing storm is out there and it's July 7. I can only hope for the best and pray for you guys over there, because if it comes in anywhere near where the current projection is then the same people who suffered for Ivan will suffer again. It's just not fair. Anyway, back to Dennis. The storm is really something and at this point the sky is the limit. Remember, just because it goes over Cuba doesn't mean it's going to weaken that much. A hurricane I studied a lot growing up because I lived it was Elena '85 and I distinctly remember it's pressure dropping some 10MB while it traveled over Cuba. I am going to be interested to see the effect the land mass of Cuba has on the storm and to see if Dennis tries to bounce off and ride the southern coast. Again, while I am happy for myself and my property in New Orleans, I feel for you guys in Florida. Good luck, again.......it looks like you are going to need a lot of it. |