Cape Coral checking in.... a lot of people here are taking things seriously. I've seen two gas stations that are out of gas, and a couple of others with plastic bags over the regular nozzles... At our local Lowes and Home Depot, the generators are now flying off the pallets, along with storm panels and attaching hardware. The story is the same at our Sam's Club..generators, water, etc being loaded up. Not full-on panic mode, just people preparing. Later today and tonight that may change, especially if we wind up in the cone again (keep shifting in and out). People get paid on Fridays and that's when the last minute panic buying will likely set in. As for myself, my generator's fueled and prepped, with all my storm supplies stocked up (did that early on), and am patiently watching the track to decide when (if) to put up at least some of my shutters (I have a rear wall nearly all glass). Thanks to all the mets and mods here at CFHC for a fantastic site, this is truly the best place for information. Bob |