(Weather Hobbyist)
Fri Jul 08 2005 12:50 PM
Re: making landfall soon

Let's see......

I "factor" OUT.....any mainstream meteorological media hype......I factor OUT, any models that can't even account cedibly for a days rainfall, let alone 2,3,5 days out....I walk outside for a couple minutes......let the sun toast my face.....let the humidity seep into my bones.......feel my torn acl in my knee flare up, my torn ligaments in my separated shoulder begin to ACHE......and I can tell with some certainty.....IT IS GONNA RAIN HERE IN CENTRAL FLORIDA!!!!!! And really......If I am huddling in a hallway with my family.....what is the difference between 90 mph and 140 mph......we are still scared and will still deal with the coming trials head opposed to hiding behind my next 5-day forecast!!!!

I have no meteorological special access to radar or satellite....but I am SURE...I have been watching the Weather Channel for long enough to understand what is going on around me!!!!

Sorry for my attitude, but almost EVERYONE with any kind of "certified" knowledge on anything....usually is the most unqualified in my book!!!

Which way did Jeane go last year.....uhhhhh.....ALL WAYS!!!!

Easy, adogg. There is no 100% here, but the biggest indications are that it stays well enough west of the peninsula. -HF

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