Not to sound too much like a science teacher (which I am) - New Scientist is NOT a peer reviewed journal...which means that pretty much any theory/idea/study can be published, whether it is a good or bad study.
I always view these kinds of articles with a great deal of skepticism.
-- oops, this was in reply to adogg76, not daniel!
The peer review process has become flawed. Advances in science require a willingness to "think outside the box" which the peer review process works against. Science also requires a skeptical attitude even to accepted ideas. the natural human tendency is to be overly skeptical of new ideas and too accepting of established ones. In climatology this tendency has resulted in climatologists wasting time talking about magical greenhouse gases and too little time on the real ways humans may be affecting climate including changing land use.
In this particular article it is very likeily that hurricanes produce sufficient force to impact the earth's crust.