It is now 8:55EST. Winds gusting to just over 21MPH out of the East. A small bit of lightening with some of the bands came in. It was a beautiful day here, and the sunset cast a red glow all around. Looking NW at sunset had beautiful "mare's tails" that were red, looking SW had dark, low heavy clouds. Amazing! The moon peaked through and was turquoise. TS force winds expected at 2300 EST, strongest winds expected at 0500 EST 60 - 85 kts, TS then expected to last until 1000EST. Curfew in place from 2300 tonight until 1100 tomorrow morning. Water company has shut down the water, utilities said it will stay up until a line is down (hopefully that won't happen Everyone is sitting now, waiting. I would like to thank Ed for his fantastic updates, they have helped tremendously! Sher |