Guppie: Re: the shark theory: A large percentage of every year's worldwide shark bites (msome years I believe it's more than, or close to, 50% of the worldwide total) occur in the summer in Volusia County, Florida, in and around Daytona Beach. A lot of factors contribute to this (the number of people in the water, the temperature, the rough surf, the proximity of the gulf stream, the presence of bait fish, etc.), but if your theory were correct, then many hurricanes every year would go towards Volusia County. Perhaps unfortunately, every few years the press highlights stories of these bites (most are treatable at shore or with a few stitches - accidental bites by sharks, often baby nurse sharks, looking for food, not humans, and mistakenly biting people who happen to be in the vicinity of their food) and many people interpret it to mean there has been an extraordinary number of bites in general, and an even more extraordinary number in that area. But also unfortunately, having a lot of shark bites in Volusia County in the summer is basically normal. Interesting theory, and I'm not one to judge if it has merit generally, but I don't think the Daytona bites can be viewed as an abnormality. |