i think we may see a S FL landfall but im not sure it has the potential of becoming a hurricane so im think a TS by the time it reaches south flrorida..a lot of the models have it going thru a lot or islands before reaching florida. So i mean this thing wont have much space for developement it looks like. The spaghetti model plots have it going thru DR/HAITI then going thru many or the "Bahaman" islands..so as time goes on, i think the possibility or a hurricane weakens..what do others think? Edit -- the link you provided is to someone's mirror of subscriber (i.e. for-pay) content off of another website. I don't think the people who run Hurricane Alley would be too appreciative of their data being posted elsewhere for free; it also violates copyright laws. It's one thing to mirror something freely available or with permission; it's another to do it without permission and of something not freely available. Please use the freely available SFWMD images (accessible on the front page of this site) in the future...thanks! --Clark |