T-Numbeer are getting back up 16/2345-UTC-16.4N-53.9W-T1.5/1.5-10 1.5= 25 KTS =29 MPH TropicalUpdate.com Guide to Dvorak Classification of Satellite Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (T-Numbers/CI Numbers) Sat Image T-Number Description CI = 0.5 Curved cloud lines define a cloud system center within a deep cloud layer. CI = 1.5 This stage should appear 24 hours later. System begins to exhibit a curved appearance in satellite images. CI = 2.5 Minimal tropical storm status is reached when curved band spirals halfway around the center. CI = 3.5 Strong tropical storm status...reaches hurricane status at CI=4.0, once cloud band completely circles the center. CI = 4.5 Eye usually becomes visible at CI=4.5. CI = 5.5 Once eye is observed, increased CI numbers are based on several factors, including temperature contrast between the center and surrounding cloud tops...smoothness of the central dense overcast, increase in eye definition, and the embedding of the eye Here is the sites to my information http://www.tropicalupdate.com/atlantic_tropic_watch_guide_to_d.htm http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/CI-chart.html http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/positions.html |