(Weather Analyst)
Tue Aug 16 2005 10:30 PM
TC 10

Well for anyone who has a knowledge on the detailed history of andrew tc 10 is trying to follow his foot steps and all the key players are right where they were with andrew excpet for the el nino all tc10 has got to do is survive the shear.

yeah... all the players except.. intensity, synoptic pattern, sst profile, location, and trajectory. other than that they're exactly alike. -HF

Just as a note for everyone, as it has been a particularly touchy subject since Irene went through days upon days of shear. Hurricane Andrew was a deadly, powerful storm that bears no similarities to any of the systems out there in the basin, whether earlier this season, now, or likely later in the season as well. Not every storm that comes across the basin weak and sheared is another Andrew. There are many other ways to discuss the system, the tropics, and the current weather without trying to fit a system to a preconceived mold. Andrew affected the lives of millions of people, some of whom are on this board. Please respect their feelings and the power of that storm. Future comments will be removed. Thank you. -Clark

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